Tuesday 19 May 2009

Titanic morse code

Morse Code Alphabet
The International Morse code characters are:
A .-
B -...
C -.-.
D -..
E .
F ..-.
G --.
H ....
I ..
J .---
K -.-
L .-..
M --
N -.
O ---
P .--.
Q --.-
R .-.
S ...
T -
U ..-
V ...-
W .--
X -..-
Y -.--
Z --..
0 -----
1 .----
2 ..---
3 ...--
4 ....-
5 .....
6 -....
7 --...
8 ---..
9 ----.

Titanic parts(for assembly)

29 seconds

Wednesday 29 April 2009

titanic webs/videos

white star line web-


And you tube-

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjKGYJac0GU-shows you how the titanic sank

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMMD-XeCFiM&feature=related-trying to sort it

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpaqmow4WCQ&feature=related veryGOOD


If you were a man on the Titanic not rescued it was pretty impossible to stay alive for more than half and hour because the water was minuse 31 degrees!!!


This is the Titanic Leaving Belfast

Tuesday 28 April 2009




At approximately 2:10 AM, the stern, or rear of the ship, rose out of the water and shortly thereafter the weight of the raised stern caused the ship to split in two. The bow, or front of the ship, slowly sunk as the stern settled back into the water. Then, the stern filled with water until it disappeared into the ocean. More than 1,500 souls were lost in the "greatest maritime disaster in history". Many attempts have been made to find the wreck of the Titanic, yet it wasn't until 1985, when an expedition combining teams from IFREMER and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute discovered the famous ship. The team, led by Robert Ballard and Jean-Luis Martin, took the first photographs of the Titanic in 73 years. More than 90 years later, people continue to be fascinated with the Titanic. The disaster and its survivors have been the subject of four movies, a Broadway musical and countless books. The movie Titanic, written and directed by James Cameron, is the most expensive film ever made and in 1998 it won 11 Academy Awards. The Titanic recently made headlines again in 2001, when a New York couple announced they would be wed in a deep-sea submersible at the Titanic gravesite

titanic paragraph

Twenty-five minutes after the crash, the ships officers ordered the lifeboats uncovered and began preparing the passengers and crew for evacuation. The first lifeboat was launched twenty minutes after the orders were given. Despite having a carrying capacity of 68, the first lifeboat launched with only 28 passengers. When the last boat launched, there were more than 1,500 passengers left on board. The lifeboats contained mostly women and children. However, J. Bruce Ismay managed to escape by sneaking onto one of the last lifeboats.


Titanic Facts
1. 2012 will be the 100th anniversary of the Titanic.
2. The annual Titanic Made in Belfast festival includes exhibitions, displays of Titanic related artefacts, schools projects, speakers, bus and boat tours, walking tours and dramatic re-enactments.
3. The launch of the Titanic took 62 seconds to complete.
4. There were only 3 funnels that worked on the Titanic. The fourth funnel was put on just for decoration.
5. There was 64 lifeboats to be carried on Titanic (designed by Alexander Carlisle) but later his designs showed 32 boats. White Star and Harland and Wolff consulted and halved again to a mere 16 boats and 4 Englehardt collapsible.
6. Construction began on the ship on 31st March 1909.
7. The initial first launch of the Titanic was 20th March 1912 but the Olympic collided with Royal Navy Cruiser HMS Hawke and had to be bought back to Belfast. The Titanic was then moved to the Dry Dock.
8. It was announced in the London Times that the Titanic Maiden Voyage would be the 10th April 1912.
9. Titanic left Belfast on 2nd April 1912.
10. Titanic departed Southhampton on 10th April 1912.
11. Titanic hit the iceberg on Sunday 14th April 1912 approx 11.40pm.
12. The Titanic sank at 2.20am. It took 3hrs for the whole boat to sink.
13. There were 2,228 people on board, 1,343 were passengers and 885 were crew members. There were only enough lifeboats for 1,178 people.

Titanic Quick Facts

Titanic Facts : True And Tragic
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» 1912: The Sinking of the Titanic
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One of the 20 lifeboats
Titanic facts are some of the most fascinating of all shipwrecks in maritime history. Perhaps it is because of the number of lives that were lost, or the fact that the entire tragedy could have been avoided, but there is no denying the mysterious allure this ill fated ocean liner still holds, even today.
Related articles: The Titanic Manifest, Titanic Questions & Answers
As the years have passed a number of legends have grown up around the sinking of the legendary Titanic. Some of these legends contain authentic Titanic facts and others are merely myth. The 'unsinkable Molly Brown' is an example of one of the Titanic ship facts. The wealthy socialite is said to have personally rowed one of the lifeboats to safety for a period of time well over 7 hours; the only woman among the passengers to have done so. Some historians have scoffed at the legend and concluded that this tale was made up by Molly years later to impress her socialite friends. Regardless of whether this is a myth or actually one of many interesting Titanic facts; the legend continues to circulate almost one hundred years later.
Some Interesting Facts on the Titanic
While the tragic sinking of the Titanic is still shocking and a bit unnerving, many of the Titanic facts are quite interesting.
The ship was loaded with only enough lifeboats to hold half of the Titanic passengers. There were 20 of them with a total capacity of 1178 people.
Some of the limited lifeboats were lowered to the waters only half-full.
Further facts on the Titanic indicate that the ship received information earlier regarding the presence of ice floes in the vicinity, yet continued to speed full throttle ahead towards tragedy.
Among the property reported as lost on the Titanic were over 3000 bags of mail and an automobile.
Each first class passenger paid a whopping $4,350 for a parlor suite ticket and $150 for a berth ticket.
The ship contained a heated swimming pool, a first for any sailing vessel.
The ship was still so brand new when passengers boarded it on April 10, 1912 that the paint was still wet in some spots.
Every stateroom contained electric lighting and heat.
Of the 1523 people of perished in the sinking of the Titanic, only 306 bodies were recovered.
The largest percentage of survivors came from first class passengers.
Even though directions have been given for women and children to board the lifeboats first, a number of men were reported as survivors while a surprisingly large number of women and children perished in the disaster. Most of the women and children lost in the sinking came from second and third class.
Sadly, Captain Smith had made plans to retire after seeing the Titanic safely across the Atlantic on her maiden voyage.
It cost $7,500,000 to build the Titanic.
It took three years to fully construct the ship.
Among the provisions when the Titanic set sail in Southampton, England were 40,000 eggs, 75,000 pounds of fresh meat and 1,000 bottles of wine.
The Titanic's total capacity was 3547 passengers + crew.
The Titanic's weight fully loaded was 46,328 tons.
The Titanic was 882 feet/268 meters long.
There were 29 boilers on board of the ship.
The ship consumed 825 tons of coal in one day.
The top speed of the Titanic was 23 knots

Titanic facts

Titanic facts are some of the most fascinating of all shipwrecks in maritime history. Perhaps it is because of the number of lives that were lost, or the fact that the entire tragedy could have been avoided, but there is no denying the mysterious allure this ill fated ocean liner still holds, even today.
Related articles: The Titanic Manifest, Titanic Questions & Answers
As the years have passed a number of legends have grown up around the sinking of the legendary Titanic. Some of these legends contain authentic Titanic facts and others are merely myth. The 'unsinkable Molly Brown' is an example of one of the Titanic ship facts. The wealthy socialite is said to have personally rowed one of the lifeboats to safety for a period of time well over 7 hours; the only woman among the passengers to have done so. Some historians have scoffed at the legend and concluded that this tale was made up by Molly years later to impress her socialite friends. Regardless of whether this is a myth or actually one of many interesting Titanic facts; the legend continues to circulate almost one hundred years later



1908- 1909

Construction of the Titanic begins in Belfast, Ireland.

The hull of Titanic is successfully launched
January 1912

Sixteen wooden and four collapsible lifeboats are fitted on board the Titanic
April 10, 1912
9:30-11:30 a.m.
Passengers arrive in Southampton and board ship.

April 10, 1912
The Titanic casts off and begins her maiden voyage.
April 12 and 13 1912

The Titanic sails through calm waters.
April 14
11:40 p.m.
The lookouts see an iceberg dead ahead. The iceberg strikes the Titanic on the starboard (right) side of her bow.
April 14
11:50 p.m.
Water has poured in and risen 14 feet in the front part of the ship.

April 15
12:00 a.m.
The captain is told the ship can only stay afloat for a couple of hours. He gives the order to call for help over the radio.
April 15
12:05 a.m.
Orders are given to uncover the lifeboats and to get passengers and crew ready on deck. There is only room for half of the estimated 2,227 on board in the lifeboats.

April 15
12:25 a.m.
Lifeboats are now loading with women and children first. The Carpathia, southeast of the Titanic by about 58 miles, picks up the distress call and immediately heads full speed to the rescue.
April 15
12:45 a.m.
The first lifeboat is safely lowered away. It can carry 65 people, but only leaves with 28. The first distress rocket if fired. Eight rockets are fired the whole night.
April 15
2:05 a.m.
The last lifeboat leaves. There are now over 1,500 people left on the ship. The tilt of Titanic's deck grows steeper and steeper.
April 15
2:20 a.m.
The Titanic's broken off stern settles back into the water, becoming more level for a few moments. Slowly it fills with water and again tilts its end high into the air before sinking into the sea. People in the water slowly freeze to death.
April 15
4:10 a.m.
The first lifeboat is picked up by the Carpathia.
April 15
8:50 a.m.
The Carpathia leaves the area bound for New York. She carries 705 survivors
April 18
9:00 p.m.
The Carpathia arrives in New York.

April 19 to May 25

Several ships are sent to the disaster site to recover bodies. A total of 328 bodies are found floating in the area.


Being seven years old at the time of the sinking, Eva maintained several vivid memories of that night.
"I saw that ship sink," she said in a 1993 interview. "I never closed my eyes. I didn't sleep at all. I saw it, I heard it, and nobody could possibly forget it." "I can remember the colors, the sounds, everything," she said. "The worst thing I can remember are the screams." And then the silence that followed. "It seemed as if once everybody had gone, drowned, finished, the whole world was standing still. There was nothing, just this deathly, terrible silence in the dark night with the stars overhead."
Eva was seven years old when she and her parents boarded the RMS Titanic as second-class passengers on April 10, 1912 at Southampton, England. Almost instantly, Eva's mother felt uneasy about the ship and feared that some catastrophe would befall them. Her mother said to call a ship 'unsinkable' was 'flying in the face of God.'[1] With such fear, Esther slept only during the day and stayed awake in her cabin at night fully dressed.[2]
Eva was sleeping when the Titanic struck the iceberg at 11:40 p.m. on April 14th. Eva's father rushed into her cabin to alert his wife and daughter, and after wrapping Eva in a blanket, carried her to the boat's deck. He placed his wife and daughter in Lifeboat No. 14 and told Eva to 'hold Mummy's hand and be a good girl.'[3] It was the last thing her father ever said to her, and the last time she ever saw him.
Eva and her mother were picked up by the rescue ship RMS Carpathia and arrived in New York, New York on April 18th. Eva's father perished and his body, if recovered, was never identified.
Soon after arriving in New York, Eva and her mother returned to England and her mother remarried. Eva was plagued with nightmares and upon the death of her mother when Eva was 23, Eva confronted her fears head on by returning to the sea and locking herself in a cabin for four straight days until the nightmares went away